Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cosmopolitan Cobra

Apparently, this adventurous cobra has been found chilling in a corner of the Reptile House in the Bronx Zoo. But, by the tweets that the BronxZoosCobra posted on its Twitter, it sounds like the snake had a good time out on the town.

Some of the BronxZoosCobra's highlights are as followsss:
Does anyone know if the Whole Foods in Columbus Circle sells organic mice?

"Indiana Jones, why did it have to be Indiana Jones?"

"Give me your tired, your poor/Your coiled masses yearning to breathe free" Powerful words at the Statue of Liberty. #snakeonthetown

Getting my morning coffee at the Mudtruck. Don't even talk to me until I've had my morning coffee. Seriously, don't. I'm venomous.

City may not sleep, but I'm ready to. Ooh a chimney! I bet you bragged to your friends about having a working fireplace in NYC. Hi roomie.

Not a fan of G.I. Joe.

Anyone know of a good vegan restaurant near Union Square? #snakeonthetown
This was totally worth an entire blogpost.


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